Sunday, November 09, 2008

Dank's Diving Dilemma

Many options, so little time, even less money, and no dive buddy.

Options: Cebu? P. Weh? P. Hantu? Or...?

Time: Any dates within 22-30 Nov.

Money: Anyone wants to donate/sponsor?

Dive Buddy: Should i chance he/she who's also buddy-less?

Couple these with a hectic schedule for both myself (work) and my good friend dive consultant (final exams)... i wonder if i will indeed get to go on this dive trip. For once the leave application was approved without question ('cos i had to use this leave by end of the year and 22-30 Nov was the only available window), although i did apply for it at such short notice.


Settled. Dive buddy found. Await my return and my photographs!


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