Tuesday, April 18, 2006


What happens when you nod away during the 45min daily briefing?

The daily briefing attended by the CEO where
- all the Department bosses give their respective updates,
- the budget for the next phase is discussed,
- our plan for the next day is de-conflicted and cleared,
- the plan for the next week is looked at,
- the future of the next work year is strategically analysed,
- basically important stuff is talked about...
- ...i nod away.

When that happens, your boss, the Vice-President of something will come to you, give you a pat on the back and say "Been having late nights? I've noticed you dozing off three briefings in a row...?"

I need sleep. Do you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mich needs tea! =D

Tue Apr 18, 11:19:00 PM  

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