Bahrain is in the Middle East, Time Zone used is C (3hrs later than Greenwich, 5hrs earlier than Singapore), with temperature averaging 15deg Celsius, and humidity averaging 50%. It's dry, and cold, and windy. Things there are also above my budget, mostly.
I was in Bahrain three weeks ago, for four days, on a working trip, but i managed to get some sightseeing done. There wasn't really much to see, so most of the photos taken were of me and my colleagues having fun (eating Ice Cream, mostly, and having a few drinks together).
Finally managed to upload all the photos from the Bahrain stopover... so go have a look!

Stay tuned for more updates!
I was in Bahrain three weeks ago, for four days, on a working trip, but i managed to get some sightseeing done. There wasn't really much to see, so most of the photos taken were of me and my colleagues having fun (eating Ice Cream, mostly, and having a few drinks together).
Finally managed to upload all the photos from the Bahrain stopover... so go have a look!

Stay tuned for more updates!
Glad to see that you had your share of fun! Yummy gelato~~
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