Wednesday... 5 days
Pre-work Checklist (cont'd):
Check - Wednesday get stuff in preparation for work, and tailor.
Check - Wednesday night out drinking.
UNchecked - Thursday study for exam (who's he kidding, studying?).
Wednesday was peaceful and nice, in a way...
Dank got up early and groggy at 645, showered, changed, hopped into his friend's black RAV4 and took the long drive down. Then he stopped and stared for 55min; he enjoyed it tremendously.
After getting the stuff and a cab ride back, the next 90min was spent: sending the new stuff to wash, lacing up the shoes, buckling the sandals appropriately, fixing up the cap, and finally meticulously hanging the clothes for a straightening dry. Then off he got a request from Jennifer to join her at the library 'cos she was alone; he obliged.
At the library with Jennifer
Half hour after Dank arrived, Jennifer went for an hour-long lunch while her laptop kept Dank company while he busied himself blog-surfing, watching an episode of Desperate Housewives and NCIS, sorting out his CCA records for verification, reading/setting up a new blog domain account with (offered to Dank for one-year free), and writing three short blog entries (About:ScienceGirls, Rumination, and About:LadyPointsForMen). Then when he had to leave, Dank whipped out his camera and snapped off a few shots.
Jennifer tempted Dank with 3 cubes of Rum Raisins Hazelnuts...

That's Dank and Jennifer...

The half-filled library; a parting shot of Jennifer...

Peaceful few hours, light-hearted mood, and very enjoyable company. =)
In the evening, Dank tried to find the elusive Betta Pugnax again, but couldn't. So we decided to go to Gratiola anyway to return one Betta Pugnax first since it had already been taken out. Dank got a pair of Betta Simplex (more on the RH Fish Tank blog) from Gratiola, and headed to Peninsular Plaza to tailor two sets of work clothes. At $80 a set, grossly expensive in Dank's opinion. Too bad, Dank had no choice.
The clubbing at night (2300-0330H)
Later that night, Dank and Tommy headed off to their second-ever clubbing session (sounds sooo gay). We split the jug of VodkaRedbull between us, then we ordered two other jugs, supposedly one for each of us. But Tommy's form was off and he said "the VodkaOrange" was too bitter. Riiight. Two and a half jugs and two beers later, Dank was quite surprisingly very near the dance floor. Amazing discovery, that. To cut the long story short, Dank met some friends (4 of them), drank a little more, met some more friends (another 4 of them), decided to get some fresh air, people-watched outside, went for Bak Kut Teh supper, went back to get Tommy, bought him MeeGoreng da-bao, and finally took a cab back with Tommy digging into his MeeGoreng in front of the large TV watching PSV-ACmilan.
That's Wednesday (yesterday) for you, and Dank's still counting down... Thursday's half gone and he hasn't literally and figuratively touched his Bahasa Indonesia Level2 book for tomorrow's paper. Dive people BBQ in the evening too but he thinks he's just going to borrow a car, drive down to say his hellos, then get back... to study?
Thursday night BBQ with Dive people (brought forward from Saturday)
Fryday exam at 230pm.
Saturday lunch with Similan Islands Trip friend.
Saturday out to drink/club, hopefully.
Sunday blank out, feel lost and spaced out at a chapter closed.
Monday, or Tuesday... off to work.
Dank should mention he's not hung over today considering the drinks he's had...
Check - Wednesday get stuff in preparation for work, and tailor.
Check - Wednesday night out drinking.
UNchecked - Thursday study for exam (who's he kidding, studying?).
Wednesday was peaceful and nice, in a way...
Dank got up early and groggy at 645, showered, changed, hopped into his friend's black RAV4 and took the long drive down. Then he stopped and stared for 55min; he enjoyed it tremendously.
After getting the stuff and a cab ride back, the next 90min was spent: sending the new stuff to wash, lacing up the shoes, buckling the sandals appropriately, fixing up the cap, and finally meticulously hanging the clothes for a straightening dry. Then off he got a request from Jennifer to join her at the library 'cos she was alone; he obliged.
At the library with Jennifer
Half hour after Dank arrived, Jennifer went for an hour-long lunch while her laptop kept Dank company while he busied himself blog-surfing, watching an episode of Desperate Housewives and NCIS, sorting out his CCA records for verification, reading/setting up a new blog domain account with (offered to Dank for one-year free), and writing three short blog entries (About:ScienceGirls, Rumination, and About:LadyPointsForMen). Then when he had to leave, Dank whipped out his camera and snapped off a few shots.
Jennifer tempted Dank with 3 cubes of Rum Raisins Hazelnuts...

That's Dank and Jennifer...

The half-filled library; a parting shot of Jennifer...

Peaceful few hours, light-hearted mood, and very enjoyable company. =)
In the evening, Dank tried to find the elusive Betta Pugnax again, but couldn't. So we decided to go to Gratiola anyway to return one Betta Pugnax first since it had already been taken out. Dank got a pair of Betta Simplex (more on the RH Fish Tank blog) from Gratiola, and headed to Peninsular Plaza to tailor two sets of work clothes. At $80 a set, grossly expensive in Dank's opinion. Too bad, Dank had no choice.
The clubbing at night (2300-0330H)
Later that night, Dank and Tommy headed off to their second-ever clubbing session (sounds sooo gay). We split the jug of VodkaRedbull between us, then we ordered two other jugs, supposedly one for each of us. But Tommy's form was off and he said "the VodkaOrange" was too bitter. Riiight. Two and a half jugs and two beers later, Dank was quite surprisingly very near the dance floor. Amazing discovery, that. To cut the long story short, Dank met some friends (4 of them), drank a little more, met some more friends (another 4 of them), decided to get some fresh air, people-watched outside, went for Bak Kut Teh supper, went back to get Tommy, bought him MeeGoreng da-bao, and finally took a cab back with Tommy digging into his MeeGoreng in front of the large TV watching PSV-ACmilan.
That's Wednesday (yesterday) for you, and Dank's still counting down... Thursday's half gone and he hasn't literally and figuratively touched his Bahasa Indonesia Level2 book for tomorrow's paper. Dive people BBQ in the evening too but he thinks he's just going to borrow a car, drive down to say his hellos, then get back... to study?
Thursday night BBQ with Dive people (brought forward from Saturday)
Fryday exam at 230pm.
Saturday lunch with Similan Islands Trip friend.
Saturday out to drink/club, hopefully.
Sunday blank out, feel lost and spaced out at a chapter closed.
Monday, or Tuesday... off to work.
Dank should mention he's not hung over today considering the drinks he's had...
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