Sunday, May 15, 2005

You Have Car?

According to Paul, the reason why the Singaporean boyfriend is nowadays the driver is because the car is used by the guy "to get into the girl's pants in the first place". You think?

"I sometimes think that there must a population of Singaporean men who just roam the expressways in their cars, waiting for their girlfriends to call them for a lift. It's uncanny how some of my girlfriends can hang out at one place, be fetched by their boyfriends to another, but boyfriends leaves again once his role of chauffeur is over."

...taken from "The Singaporean Boyfriend Cabdriver" by Paul in Writer's Block.

You agree?
If you're a guy and you don't have a car, this could be the reason.
If you're a guy and you do have a car...

I should mention. I really should...


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