That's the tagline for the
Singapore Open Water Swim 2008.
Held in conjunction with the
FINA 10km Marathon Swimming World Cup (what a mouthful), the
Singapore Open Water Swim 2008 will be conducted at East Coast Park too!
And i'll be there this Saturday, 4 Oct 08, for the 5km swim.
You must be thinking "you're Crazy"... well i think "you're Crazy" too!
Come watch me struggle myself crazy and gulp sea water on Saturday?
FINA = Federation Internationale de Natation, French for International Swimming Federation--- After-Swim UPDATE ---
Completed the 5km Singapore Open Water Swim:
1. 63 swimmers started the race (5km, Open Category)
2. 25 swimmers did not finish the race
3. first swimmer finished in 1:32:49
4. last swimmer finished in 4:28:08
5. i drank at least 2L of seawater during my swim
6. no feelings in the arms from 2.5km onwards
7. i ate a Power Gel (Strawberry & Banana flavour) at 3km
8. i drank 500ml of water at 3km and 250ml at 4km
9. likely sunburnt on the arms, shoulders, neck, face and ears
10. battled against current (of >2knots) on each return 500m stretch
11. my 1km lap average: 9min (first 500m) + 27min (next 500m)
12. finished in 12th position (out of 63 swimmers)
13. my timing... 2:58:55
Now i need a good massage... haha
Power Gel
I was occasionally recommending for the jet-ski guys to "get the message to the organisers/sponsors: bring the Power Gel sachets into the water, they swimmers would definitely love it!" Alas, i didn't see any brought in during my 3hrs.
If anyone involved in, or related to, the Singapore OWS is reading this, i highly recommend sponsoring Power Gels in-swim, similar to the water bottles given by the canoeists. Swimmers with no prior experience with Power Gels would definitely appreciate it halfway through their swim, and be bought on it.