My First Marine Tank!
Having begun exactly a month ago with a nano (5L) tank, i upgraded to a substantially bigger tank a week later because i realised it would be chemically more stable and less susceptible to they ecosystem crashing. I'm on my way to completing a beautiful Marine Tank (in layman terms: a salt/sea water aquarium). I have slowly stabilised the tank and i'm on my way to completing a beautiful Marine Tank. It is now stocked with:
25 Litres of water, 2.5 Kg of live rock and 4 Kg of sand,
2 Anemone and 1 Button Coral group
1 Common Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris),
1 Tomato Clownfish (Premnas frenatus),
1 Yellow-Lipped Sleeper Goby (Valenciennea muralis),
1 Nudibranch (Hypselodoris bullockii 3),
1 White-Banded Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis),
1 Porcelain Anemone Crab (Neopetrolisthes oshimai).